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High dynamic range (HDR) video is the next frontier in high-qualityvideo decoding, bringing unmatched scene reproduction qualities. It doesso by significantly increasing the dynamic range of the luminance component(from the current 100 cd/m2 to 1000s of cd/m2) and by using a much widercolor space (BT 2020). This is now a central element of the 4K UHD evolutionin the TV space.

Android 10 supports the following HDR videos.

  • HDR10
  • VP9
  • HDR10+

Starting Android 9 and higher, MediaCodec reports HDR metadata regardless of the tunneled mode.You can get decoded data together with static/dynamic metadata in non-tunneled mode. For HDR10and VP9Profile2 that uses static metadata, these are reported in the output format with keyKEY_HDR_STATIC_INFO. For HDR10+ that uses dynamic metadata, this is reported withkey KEY_HDR10_PLUS_INFO on the output format and may change for each output frame.See Multimedia Tunneling for more information.

Since Android 7.0, initial HDR support includes thecreation of proper constants for the discovery and setup of HDR videopipelines. That means defining codec types and display modes and specifyinghow HDR data must be passed to MediaCodec and supplied to HDR decoders.

The purpose of this document is to help application developers support HDR streamplayback, and help OEMs and SOCs enable the HDR features.

Supported HDR technologies

As of Android 7.0 and higher, the following HDR technologies are supported.
Transfer FunctionST-2084ST-2084HLGST-2084
HDR Metadata TypeDynamicStaticNoneStatic

In Android 7.0, only HDR playback via tunneled mode is defined,but devices may add support for playback of HDR on SurfaceViews using opaquevideo buffers. In other words:

  • There is no standard Android API to check if HDR playback is supportedusing non-tunneled decoders.
  • Tunneled video decoders that advertise HDR playback capability mustsupport HDR playback when connected to HDR-capable displays.
  • GL composition of HDR content is not supported by the AOSP Android7.0 release.


HDR Playback requires an HDR-capable decoder and a connection to anHDR-capable display. Optionally, some technologies require a specificextractor.


Applications shall use the new Display.getHdrCapabilitiesAPI to query the HDR technologies supported by the specified display. This isbasically the information in the EDID Static Metadata Data Block as definedin CTA-861.3:

  • public Display.HdrCapabilities getHdrCapabilities()
    Returns the display's HDR capabilities.
  • Display.HdrCapabilities
    Encapsulates the HDR capabilities of a given display. For example, what HDRtypes it supports and details about the desired luminance data.


    Dolby Vision support.
  • int HDR_TYPE_HDR10
    HDR10 / PQ support.
  • int HDR_TYPE_HLG
    Hybrid Log-Gamma support.
    Invalid luminance value.

Public Methods:

  • float getDesiredMaxAverageLuminance()
    Returns the desired content max frame-average luminance data in cd/cd/m2 forthis display.
  • float getDesiredMaxLuminance()
    Returns the desired content max luminance data in cd/cd/m2 for this display.
  • float getDesiredMinLuminance()
    Returns the desired content min luminance data in cd/cd/m2 for this display.
  • int[] getSupportedHdrTypes()
    Gets the supported HDR types of this display (see constants). Returns emptyarray if HDR is not supported by the display.


Applications shall use the existingCodecCapabilities.profileLevels API to verify support for thenew HDR capable profiles:


MediaFormat mime constant:

MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel profile constants:

Dolby Vision video layers and metadata must be concatenated into a singlebuffer per frames by video applications. This is done automatically by theDolby-Vision capable MediaExtractor.


MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel profile constants:


MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel profileconstants:

If a platform supports an HDR-capable decoder, it shall also support anHDR-capable extractor.

Only tunneled decoders are guaranteed to play back HDR content. Playbackby non-tunneled decoders may result in the HDR information being lost andthe content being flattened into an SDR color volume.


The following containers are supported for the various HDR technologieson Android 7.0:


Discovery of whether a track (of a file) requires HDR support is notsupported by the platform. Applications may parse the codec-specific datato determine if a track requires a specific HDR profile.


Component requirements for each HDR technology are shown in the following table:

Container (Extractor)MP4MP4WebMWebM
Profile (Decoder)One of the Dolby profilesHEVCProfileMain10HDR10VP9Profile2HDR orVP9Profile3HDRVP9Profile2HDR orVP9Profile3HDR


  • Dolby-Vision bitstreams are packaged in an MP4 container in a way definedby Dolby. Applications may implement their own Dolby-capable extractors aslong as they package the access units from the corresponding layers into asingle access unit for the decoder as defined by Dolby.
  • A platform may support an HDR-capable extractor, but no correspondingHDR-capable decoder.


After an application has verified support for HDR playback, it can playback HDR content nearly the same way as it plays back non-HDR content,with the following caveats:

  • For Dolby-Vision, whether or not a specific media file/track requiresan HDR capable decoder is not immediately available. The application musthave this information in advance or be able to obtain this information byparsing the codec-specific data section of the MediaFormat.
  • CodecCapabilities.isFormatSupported does not consider whetherthe tunneled decoder feature is required for supporting such a profile.

Enabling HDR platform support

SoC vendors and OEMs must do additional work to enable HDR platformsupport for a device.

Platform changes in Android 7.0 for HDR

Here are some key changes in the platform (Application/Native layer)that OEMs and SOCs need to be aware of.


Hardware composition

HDR-capable platforms must support blending HDR content with non-HDRcontent. The exact blending characteristics and operations are not definedby Android as of release 7.0, but the process generally follows these steps:

  1. Determine a linear color space/volume that contains all layers to becomposited, based on the layers' color, mastering, and potential dynamicmetadata.
    If compositing directly to a display, this could be the linear spacethat matches the display's color volume.
  2. Convert all layers to the common color space.
  3. Perform the blending.
  4. If displaying through HDMI:
    1. Determine the color, mastering, and potential dynamic metadata for theblended scene.
    2. Convert the resulting blended scene to the derived colorspace/volume.
  5. If displaying directly to the display, convert the resulting blendedscene to the required display signals to produce that scene.

Display discovery

HDR display discovery is only supported via HWC2. Device implementers mustselectively enable the HWC2 adapter that is released with Android 7.0 for thisfeature to work. Therefore, platforms must add support for HWC2 or extend theAOSP framework to allow a way to provide this information. HWC2 exposes a newAPI to propagate HDR Static Data to the framework and the application.


  • A connected HDMI display advertisesits HDR capability through HDMI EDID as defined inCTA-861.3section 4.2.
  • The following EOTF mapping shall be used:
    • ET_0 Traditional gamma - SDR Luminance Range: not mapped to any HDRtype
    • ET_1 Traditional gamma - HDR Luminance Range: not mapped to any HDRtype
    • ET_2 SMPTE ST 2084 - mapped to HDR type HDR10
  • The signaling of Dolby Vision or HLG support over HDMI is done as definedby their relevant bodies.
  • Note that the HWC2 API uses float desired luminance values, so the 8-bitEDID values must be translated in a suitable fashion.


Platforms must add HDR-capable tunneled decoders and advertise their HDRsupport. Generally, HDR-capable decoders must:

  • Support tunneled decoding (FEATURE_TunneledPlayback).
  • Support HDR static metadata( and itspropagation to the display/hardware composition. For HLG, appropriate metadatamust be submitted to the display.
  • Support color description( and itspropagation to the display/hardware composition.
  • Support HDR embedded metadata as defined by the relevant standard.

Dolby Vision decoder support

To support Dolby Vision, platforms must add a Dolby-Vision capableHDR OMX decoder. Given the specifics of Dolby Vision, this is normally awrapper decoder around one or more AVC and/or HEVC decoders as well as acompositor. Such decoders must:

  • Support mime type 'video/dolby-vision.'
  • Advertise supported Dolby Vision profiles/levels.
  • Accept access units that contain the sub-access-units of all layers asdefined by Dolby.
  • Accept codec-specific data defined by Dolby. For example, data containingDolby Vision profile/level and possibly the codec-specific data for theinternal decoders.
  • Support adaptive switching between Dolby Vision profiles/levels asrequired by Dolby.

When configuring the decoder, the actual Dolby profile is not communicatedto the codec. This is only done via codec-specific data after the decoderhas been started. A platform could choose to support multiple Dolby Visiondecoders: one for AVC profiles, and another for HEVC profiles to be able toinitialize underlying codecs during configure time. If a single Dolby Visiondecoder supports both types of profiles, it must also support switchingbetween those dynamically in an adaptive fashion.

If a platform provides a Dolby-Vision capable decoder in addition to thegeneral HDR decoder support, it must:

  • Provide a Dolby-Vision aware extractor, even if it does not supportHDR playback.
  • Provide a decoder that supports the vision profile as defined by Dolby.

HDR10 decoder support

To support HDR10, platforms must add an HDR10-capable OMX decoder. Thisis normally a tunneled HEVC decoder that also supports parsing and handlingHDMI related metadata. Such a decoder (in addition to the general HDR decodersupport) must:

  • Support mime type 'video/hevc.'
  • Advertise supported HEVCMain10HDR10. HEVCMain10HRD10 profile supportalso requires supporting the HEVCMain10 profile, which requires supportingthe HEVCMain profile at the same levels.
  • Support parsing the mastering metadata SEI blocks, as well as other HDRrelated info contained in SPS.

VP9 decoder support

To support VP9 HDR, platforms must add a VP9 Profile2-capable HDR OMXdecoder. This is normally a tunneled VP9 decoder that also supports handlingHDMI related metadata. Such decoders (in addition to the general HDR decodersupport) must:

  • Support mime type 'video/x-vnd.on2.vp9.'
  • Advertise supported VP9Profile2HDR. VP9Profile2HDR profile support alsorequires supporting VP9Profile2 profile at the same level.


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Dolby Vision extractor support

Platforms that support Dolby Vision decoders must add Dolby extractor(called Dolby Extractor) support for Dolby Video content.

  • A regular MP4 extractor can only extract the base layer from a file,but not the enhancement or metadata layers. So a special Dolby extractor isneeded to extract the data from the file.
  • The Dolby extractor must expose 1 to 2 tracks for each Dolby video track(group):
    • A Dolby Vision HDR track with the type of 'video/dolby-vision' for thecombined 2/3-layers Dolby stream. The HDR track's access-unit format, whichdefines how to package the access units from the base/enhancement/metadatalayers into a single buffer to be decoded into a single HDR frame, is to bedefined by Dolby.
    • If a Dolby Vision video track contains a separate (backward compatible)base-layer (BL), the extractor must also expose this as a separate 'video/avc'or 'video/hevc' track. The extractor must provide regular AVC/HEVC accessunits for this track.
    • The BL track must have the same track-unique-ID ('track-ID') as theHDR track so the app understands that these are two encodings of the samevideo.
    • The application can decide which track to choose based on the platform'scapability.
  • The Dolby Vision profile/level must be exposed in the track format ofthe HDR track.
  • If a platform provides a Dolby-Vision capable decoder, it must also providea Dolby-Vision aware extractor, even if it does not support HDR playback.

HDR10 and VP9 HDR extractor support

There are no additional extractor requirements to support HDR10 or VP9HLG. Platforms must extend MP4 extractor to support VP9 PQ in MP4. HDRstatic metadata must be propagated in the VP9 PQ bitstream, such that thismetadata is passed to the VP9 PQ decoder and to the display via the normalMediaExtractor => MediaCodec pipeline.

Stagefright extensions for Dolby Vision support

Platforms must add Dolby Vision format support to Stagefright:

  • Support for port definition query for compressed port.
  • Support profile/level enumeration for DV decoder.
  • Support exposing DV profile/level for DV HDR tracks.

Technology-specific implementation details

HDR10 decoder pipeline

Figure 1. HDR10 pipeline

HDR10 bitstreams are packaged in MP4 containers. Applications use a regularMP4 extractor to extract the frame data and send it to the decoder.

  • MPEG4 Extractor
    HDR10 bitstreams are recognized as just a normal HEVC stream by aMPEG4Extractor and the HDR track with the type 'video/HEVC' will beextracted. The framework picks an HEVC video decoder that supports theMain10HDR10 profile to decode that track.
  • HEVC Decoder
    HDR information is in either SEI or SPS. The HEVC decoder first receivesframes that contain the HDR information. The decoder then extracts the HDRinformation and notifies the application that it is decoding an HDR video. HDRinformation is bundled into decoder output format, which is propagated tothe surface later.

Dolby Vision For Android Downloads

Vendor actions

  1. Advertise supported HDR decoder profile and level OMX type. Example:
    OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileMain10HDR10 (and Main10)
  2. Implement support for index:''
  3. Implement support for index:''
  4. Implement support for SEI parsing of mastering metadata.

Dolby Vision decoder pipeline

Figure 2. Dolby Vision pipeline

Dolby-bitstreams are packaged in MP4 containers as defined byDolby. Applications could, in theory, use a regular MP4 extractor to extractthe base layer, enhancement layer, and metadata layer independently; however,this does not fit the current Android MediaExtractor/MediaCodec model.

  • DolbyExtractor:
    • Dolby-bitstreams are recognized by a DolbyExtractor, which exposes thevarious layers as 1 to 2 tracks for each dolby video track (group):
      • An HDR track with the type of 'video/dolby-vision' for the combined2/3-layers dolby stream. The HDR track's access-unit format, which defineshow to package the access units from the base/enhancement/metadata layersinto a single buffer to be decoded into a single HDR frame, is to be definedby Dolby.
      • (Optional, only if the BL is backward compatible) A BL track containsonly the base layer, which must be decodable by regular MediaCodec decoder,for example, AVC/HEVC decoder. The extractor should provide regular AVC/HEVCaccess units for this track. This BL track must have the same track-unique-ID('track-ID') as the Dolby track so the application understands that theseare two encodings of the same video.
    • The application can decide which track to choose based on the platform'scapability.
    • Because an HDR track has a specific HDR type, the framework will picka Dolby video decoder to decode that track. The BL track will be decoded bya regular AVC/HEVC video decoder.
  • DolbyDecoder:
    • The DolbyDecoder receives access units that contain the required accessunits for all layers (EL+BL+MD or BL+MD)
    • CSD (codec specific data, such as SPS+PPS+VPS) information for theindividual layers can be packaged into 1 CSD frame to be defined byDolby. Having a single CSD frame is required.

Dolby actions

  1. Define the packaging of access units for the various Dolby containerschemes (e.g. BL+EL+MD) for the abstract Dolby decoder (i.e. the bufferformat expected by the HDR decoder).
  2. Define the packaging of CSD for the abstract Dolby decoder.

Vendor actions

  1. Implement Dolby extractor. This can also be done by Dolby.
  2. Integrate DolbyExtractor into the framework. The entry point isframeworks/av/media/libstagefright/MediaExtractor.cpp.
  3. Declare HDR decoder profile and level OMXtype. Example: OMX_VIDEO_DOLBYPROFILETYPE andOMX_VIDEO_DOLBYLEVELTYP.
  4. Implement support for index:''
  5. Propagate the dynamic HDR metadata to the app and surface in eachframe. Typically this information must be packaged into the decoded frameas defined by Dolby, because the HDMI standard does not provide a way topass this to the display.

VP9 decoder pipeline

Figure 3. VP9-PQ pipeline

VP9 bitstreams are packaged in WebM containers in a way defined by WebMteam. Applications need to use a WebM extractor to extract HDR metadata fromthe bitstream before sending frames to the decoder.

  • WebM Extractor:
    • WebM Extractor extracts the HDR metadataand frames from the container.
  • VP9 Decoder:
    • Decoder receives Profile2 bitstreams and decodes them as normal VP9streams.
    • Decoder receives any HDR static metadata from the framework.
    • Decoder receives static metadata via the bitstream access units for VP9PQ streams.
    • VP9 decoder must be able to propagate the HDR static/dynamic metadatato the display.

Vendor Actions

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  1. Implement support for
  2. Implement support for
  3. Propagate HDR static metadata

Dolby has played a key role in the development of HDR for both commercial cinema and home theatre applications. From a home entertainment perspective, the company’s most important contribution has been the advanced form of HDR, known as Dolby Vision. Dolby Vision is yet another variant of HDR and looks set to gain more traction among TV, tablet and smartphone manufacturers – and service providers – during 2017.

What is Dolby Vision?

Dolby Vision is a powerful cinema technology that delivers a dramatically different visual experience. It achieves its stunning image quality through innovative HDR and wide-color-gamut imaging technologies, both onscreen and in specially mastered content. Dolby Vision delivers incredibly brighter brights, deeper darks, greater contrast, a fuller palette of rich, ultravivid colors, refined detail and a three-dimensional feel never before seen on TV.

Key differences between Dolby Vision and HDR10

One of the things that makes Dolby Vision different is that it’s designed as an end-to-end HDR process. Dolby Vision is designed to preserve information that was originally captured and pass it on. It does this using metadata that’s then read by the Dolby Vision decoder in the TV you’re watching. The aim is to give you an HDR experience that’s closer to the original by supplying more information.
The most significant advantage of Dolby Vision HDR versus HDR10 is the addition of dynamic metadata to the core HDR image data. Dolby Vision-capable TVs combine the scene-by-scene information received from the source with an awareness of their own capabilities in terms of brightness, contrast and colour performance. With HDR10 content, your HDR TV only receives static metadata.
Another advantage of Dolby Vision is that the metadata is embedded into the video signal, meaning it can run across ‘legacy’ HDR connections as far back as version 1.4b. Despite only using static metadata, HDR10 requires HDMI 2.0a compatibility.

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What Dolby Vision content is available?

Four of the major film studios – Lionsgate, Sony Pictures, Universal and Warner Bros – have promised Dolby Vision UHD Blu-ray releases for 2017. In the UK, both Netflix and Amazon Prime Video support Dolby Vision HDR streams, while in the US they are joined by VUDU. Netflix shows that support Dolby Vision include Marvel’s Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, as well as other Netflix Originals. Meanwhile, Amazon Video offers Bosch series two and a handful of Sony Pictures films in Dolby Vision. The upcoming PC game Mass Effect: Andromeda will support Dolby Vision, heralding a whole new gaming outlet.

Dolby Vision in Geniatech

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In order to watch Dolby Vision content, you need to have the right equipment. Dolby Vision is essentially extra information applied on top of an HDR10 core, so it’s easy to ensure that all Dolby Vision content is also compatible with devices that only support HDR10, but HDR10 TVs can’t do Dolby Vision. Geniatech now have three Android TV Boxes: ATV1960, ATV1962 and APC390R, that support both Dolby Vision and HDR10 technologies. Best of all for consumers, anything that supports Dolby Vision should also be compatible with HDR 10, so even if Dolby Vision doesn’t catch on, you’ll have the next best thing. So when you want to buy your next TV Box, Geniatech is one of your choices.

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