Girl Interrupted Script Pdf

Girl, Interrupted was released on December 22, 1999 and received mixed reviews from film critics. The film won an Academ y Award, with Jolie being awarded for Best Supporting Actress. The script was based on a short story by Elmore Leonard. Elmore Leonard's short story 3:10 to Yuma is avaible in.pdf. Title: Girl, Interrupted (1999) 7.3 /10. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Columbia Pictures announced a negotiation with Mangold to helm a remake of the 1957 Western film 3:10 to Yuma, based on a script written.

with life?

when you have the cash?

Have you ever been blue?

while sitting still?

Maybe I was just crazy.

Maybe it was the '60s.

Or maybe I was just a girl...


Put her in restraints.|Withdraw blood for tox.

- Hold on.|- Give her five milligrams of Valium.

- You got your end?|- Want to do a C.B.C.?

Turn her head|so she doesn't aspirate.

Aspirin fragments and vodka, I think.

Don't tell me what you think.|Take it to the lab.

You shouldcheck my hand.|There's no bones in it.

Looks like a wrist banger.

Is that why you did this?

And other things.

Her parents are on the way.

Sometimes it's hard...

for me to stay in one place.


in your hand...

how did you pick up the aspirin?

What is my mother doing?

Would you answer my question,|please?

How did you pick up the aspirin|if you had no bones in your hand?

By then, they had come back.

I see.

No, you don't.


indulge me, then.

Explain it to me.

Explain what?

Explain to a doctor|that the laws of physics...

can be suspended?

That what goes up|may not come down?


that time...

can move backwards and forwards...

and now to then|and back again...

and you can't control it?

Why can't you control it?


Why can't you control time?

Sam, shh!

Where were you?|Everyone is here. Come on.

- Mary, you remember Susanna.|- Yes, I do.

So this is what you're wearing?

I didn't know it was so early.|I would have changed.

Hey, everybody. Look who's here.

- Happy birthday, Dad.|- Thanks, sweetie.

I'm sorry.|I want to say hi to her.

Sweetie, would you|hold this for me?

I want to say hi to Susanna.

Excuse me. Susanna!

Professor Gilcrest's wife.

Hi. Barbara Gilcrest.|Do you remember me?

- I'm Bonnie's mom.|- Yeah.

Your skin is so beautiful.

Bonnie was in your Lit class,|wasn't she?

Yeah. How is she doing?

She just go accepted to Radcliffe.

What a conundrum.

I'm a Wellesley girl, myself,|but...

I thinkyoungwomen should|make up their own mind, don't you?

Are you stoned?

Do you smoke pot?

Take LSD?

No drugs?

How do you feel right now?


don't know.

I don't know what I'm feeling.

You need a rest.

Well, I'll go home,|take a nap.

You need to go somewhere|where you can get a genuine rest.

And you're very lucky.

The best place in the world|for someone like you...

is less than a half an hour|from here.

You don't mean Claymoore.

Four days ago...

you chased a bottle of aspirin|with a bottle of vodka.

I had a headache.

Your father is a friend of mine.

Girl interrupted script pdf reader

He's a colleague.

He asked me to see you,|even though I don't do this anymore.

You're hurting|everyone around you.


Claymore is a topnotch place.

A lot of people go there.

Even writers.

Like you.

Yes, I'd like a cab|at 1240 Milford, please.

My mother's here.

It'll be less emotional|if we do it this way.

Your parents and I|have talkedabout it.

Now, make sure no stops.

Susanna, are you there?

Hey. I want to see you again.

- It was a one-time thing, okay?|- Just come to my office tonight.

Sweetie, where are you?|We're opening the presents.

Tell them you're going|to a friend's. Please.

Who do you want me to tell first?

My parents, the department chairman|or your wife?

What did you do?

Excuse me?

Well, you look normal.

I'm sad.

Well, everyone's sad.

I see things.

You mean like tripping?

Kind of.

Then they should put|John Lennon away, huh?

I'm notJohn Lennon.

Don't get too comfortable.

Shouldn't my parents...

You have to sign them,|Miss Kaysen.

You're over 18.|This is your decision.

I didn't try to kill myself.

That's the kind of thing you talk|about in therapy, honey. Not here.

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